Yeti Tundra Series, Minturn Anglers

Yeti Tundra Series, Minturn Anglers

Erin Hale and the rest of the guides at Minturn Anglers have been using Yeti Tundra Series coolers for a few years now, here is what they have to say.

Yeti Coolers: Are they worth the investment?

My tundra 45 has been going strong for the past five years! Before my Yeti I would have to invest in a new cooler every year knowing it was going break within a couple of months. So if you want to throw money away with broken coolers, melted ice and duck tape, then buy cheap. If you want to buy your last cooler that will save you a fortune in ice then buy a Yeti. All I do is freeze a couple of water bottles overnight and that keeps the rest of my contents cold throughout the day. That’s right no more liquefied messes waiting for you at then end of the day!

Yeti coolers: keeps ice longer and wildly stronger! Making guides look good since 2006. 

Erin Hale
Minturn Anglers

It would appear the shop dog, Tippet, is also a believer in Yeti.

Wylaco Supply is one of the largest distributors of Yeti products in the Southwest territory. Our Gypsum location has a extensive inventory of Yeti products. For a full list of Yeti that can be purchased at Wylaco check out Yeti Coolers on our website!