Yeti Tundra - A Love Story

Yeti Tundra - A Love Story

Her name was Debbie and she was a junior in high school my freshman year.  How we arrived in the same Arizona History class,

I’ll never know, but I didn’t question it. You see, she was very attractive, classy, and had a smile for everyone she locked eyes with.  

I thought I was in love, but I could only admire her from a distance because she was attached to a senior stud football star.  Not

begrudging him in the least, he was just a lucky guy.


I’ve been an outdoor enthusiast my entire life, and have sampled many different pieces of gear over the years. From guiding

small and big game hunts, to guiding folks on the river fly fishing, I have amassed quite a gear selection. There was always

something missing. I always struggled to keep game, food and drinks cold enough to last a couple of days without draining the cooler

and adding ice.  I’ve worked with many guides over the years, and I’d feel a pang of jealousy when they’d pull fresh and cold lunches

and drinks from their Yeti’s, and mine would come out of my coolers wet and slightly above room temperature.



 Finally, after many years of cooler gymnastics, a Yeti cooler showed up on my doorstep. 

  She’s the Tundra 65 series, a sight to behold, and she immediately found a place in the 

  back of my guide truck. She’s clean, crisp, and classy.  It was love at first sight.


 I’d only had her a day or two, when I stopped into a liquor store and picked up a six of 

 my favorite beer. I tossed the brew into the Yeti, and basically forgot about it til a couple 

 days later, when my son and I decided to have a beer with dinner. I walked out to my truck expecting to grab the beer and put it

in my refrigerator until dinner time. I was astounded when, upon grabbing the six pack,I realized it was still crispy cold. Just for grins,

I grabbed a granola bar that was on the top rack to find that it was cold and brittle. I had to crack a beer right then and there as a

small celebration. 


Since then, I have had her full of sandwiches, drinks, snacks and a venison backstrap. All cold and dry, because I use the Yeti freezer

packs, as a means to refrigerate. There are many features I find exemplary when it comes to this cooler. She cleans up easily, is

rugged and durable, the sliding rack is situated perfectly and is large enough to be effective. There’s plenty of storage space, and 

she doesn’t slide around in the back of my truck. The two rope handles make it easy to move her around.



   I’m overjoyed to have a Yeti cooler in my stable of gear, it’s been a long time coming, 

   and I now realize what I was missing.  I’m looking to expand my Yeti repertoire and 

   include some Rambler mugs and tumblers.  As for Debbie, she married the football star 

   and is living happily ever after.  So am I. 

A big thank you to Duane for sharing his story.

Duane Redford

Hidden in Plain View 1st Edition 

The Fly Fishers Playbook 1st and 2nd Editions 


8 Rivers Fly Rods Pro Staff Lead 

Fly Designer- Montana Fly Company

Fear No Water